Title: The False Prince
Author: Jennifer A. Neilsen
Series: The Ascendance trilogy
Audience: Children’s
Genre: Fantasy
Genre: Fantasy
In a discontent kingdom, civil war is brewing. To unify the divided people, Conner, a nobleman of the court, devises a cunning plan to find an impersonator of the king’s long-lost son and install him as a puppet prince. Four orphans are recruited to compete for the role, including a defiant boy named Sage. Sage knows that Conner’s motives are more than questionable, yet his life balances on a sword’s point—he must be chosen to play the prince or he will certainly be killed. But Sage’s rivals have their own agendas as well.
Three Point Five Stars
My Review:
The False Prince was indeed a fascinating read. It was full of
twists and turns, and it had me reading past lights out. *grins and looks
fondly at handy flashlight* I found the story to be quite interesting! The plot
was amazing. The moment I read the summary, I wanted to read it.
Also, the setting
was amazing! I love anything midevel really, and this took place in a midevel
manor and I loved it. It was absolutely tops. *grins*
The ending was
definitely my favorite part. (Well, that and page 96! *grins*) Everything seemed
more clear, and a little less confusing at the end, then at the start.
So, why three point
five stars, you ask? Let me explain. This story was told in first person, yet
Sage held back on us. There were things we should have known at page twenty-one,
that weren’t told to us till page two hundred and fifty-eight. In another
situation, on page one hundred and thirty, Sage was fighting for an item we
knew nothing about and it wasn’t explained why until the very end. I feel we
should have been told why he was so persistent to have the item.
Also, the start was
a bit slow, and all the sudden, BOOM! Everything seemed to happen in a cluster.
It confused me and I had to sit back and recollect everything that had just
happened, and sort it out in my mind.
Though The False Prince was full of interesting
twists, they were predictable. I knew the big plot twist by page fifteen. There
were only one or two that took me by surprise.
Also, I greatly
disliked Sage the first half. He was arrogant, self-absorbed, conceited and
overly confident. Though it did kind of explain to a certain degree why he was
so over confident, it still annoyed me. I’m hoping for some major character
development in the next two books.
Now, even though
there were quite a few things I didn’t like, there were enough things I did
like to keep me interested in the series. I am planning to read The Runaway King because I did like the
ending of The False Prince, and am
eager to see what happens.
Sounds like an interesting book!
ReplyDeleteIt was really interesting! There were a few down points, but a lot of people love it. You can find it for a really good price on Thrift Books. *chuckles* I love Thrift Books. I got this book for three dollars, and it's a hard cover. :D
DeleteI've been thinking about reading this one. :)
ReplyDeleteYou would probably like it. It was a pretty cool book! :)