Tuesday, March 1, 2016

Welcome to My Blog!

  Hey Everyone! Welcome to my very first blog post! *overly excited squeal*
  So, I guess I should start out with telling you guys my favorite series, authors and genres. Well, my favorite series is the Ilyon Chronicles, The Blades of Acktar series, and The Out of Time Series. Making Jaye L. Knight, Tricia Mingerink, and Nadine Brandes my favorite authors.
  My favorite genre is Fantasy and Dystopian. I enjoy some Historical Fiction as well. My favorite time period being the Revolutionary War and The Great Depression.
   What to expect from this blog is mostly book reviews, probably a few writer posts, and hopefully I’ll be able to participate in launch teams and the like. :D
  Thanks for checking out my blog! I have a BookTube if you wish to check it out! I hope you enjoy my blog! :D
Goodreads: https://www.goodreads.com/user/show/40760365-hannah-rodes


  1. Yay! Hannah! You have a blog! I will definitely be following!

    1. Thanks!:D This is really fun! I get o design it and everything! :D

    2. I just did a two part post on Advice for New Bloggers, it might be helpful, idk. It's what I learned. xD

    3. Oh my goodness, that will be most appreciated! I'm still so discombobulated about this thing. *glares at the thingamajig I've been trying to figure out*

  2. Oh, awesome! Welcome to the blogging world! :) I'm looking forward to your posts! :D

    1. Thanks! I can't wait to get some more posts on! :D

  3. Replies
    1. *squeals* Thanks, I'm so excited about this! XD

  4. I can't wait to read your future posts. Your blog looks cool!


  5. Awesome! Totally following and welcome to the blogging world!
