Saturday, February 18, 2017

Current Writing Project- Nazi Book

  So, after going on an eight hour road trip, and seeing my sister in another state, I finally sit down to write the post. And it’s late...and I have no coffee...I know, I should have done this earlier when I had more brainpower but…*coughs and guilty scoots out of camera view* ANNNNYWAYS, we didn’t come here to talk about my procrastination superpower.
 The real topic is Nazi Book. (I know, right? You just can’t beat the originality of the title! Jk it’s a work in progress. ;)) This is a book I and my friends, Rachael Steele and Sierra Blasko are writing together! Also, THIS GONNA INCLUDE SNIPPETS PEOPLES! IT WILL BE FABULOUS! PREPARE TO SWOON AND BAWL. (Okay…no. No, you’re not going to swoon or bawl, but…much swooning, and muchly tears have been shed by all three of us during the writing process of this book)

Now. What Nazi Book is about…This, of course, since I can’t ever put into words, made me seek out da fabulous Rachael and Sierra to give me something to put.

Nazi Book, according to Rachael: “Um, girl goes to spy in a German town and meets a hottie and a cutie.” (Starring: Liza Grates as, girl who goes to spy. Stefan Engel as “hottie”, and
Wilhelm Adler as “cutie”.)

Nazi Book, according to Sierra: “Two soulmates on the opposite sides of the war. Betrayal, pain, patriotism, to the point of fanaticism, and forgiveness.”

  So…A girl working with the allies group who goes to spy on a German town and befriends two HY soldiers (Or becomes friends with one, and falls in love with the other) which proves to be both a good idea, but a terribly bad one at the same time…*hacking coughs* Sorry, I’m being to very vague. (This is what happens when deprived of coffee and sleep) It’s good in the sense that seeing as they are both respectable, they help protect her from the others. Though it’s bad in the sense, she knows she’ll hurt them when they find out the truth, and Stefan is still loyal to Hitler so…

Anyways, let’s go to the characters. Hopefully this will help clear it up. Here is the three mainish characters we have, and who writes who.

  Rachael- Rachael writes are mainish girl, Liza Grates. Liza is the Ally spy, and she’s a little sweet heart. She’s stubborn, and brave. I am drawing a blank on how exactly to explain her…She’s secretive... fearful yet incredibly strong. She’s a dear, though has the ability to tear your heart to pieces without a second thought...All in all, she’s a very complex charrie. *squishes her*

  Sierra- Sierra writes everyone’s little adorable angel, Stefan. He is seriously impossible not to love. Trust me, I tried to hate him. It didn’t work. He’s my precious. Yes, I have claimed him as my own. *coughs* Okay, Stefan’s a dedicated HY soldier who just so happens to fall for Liza…who is half Jew so…*pets his head* The little dear. His heart all befuddled.
I didn’t put a snippet of Liza, cause I’m giving you a bit of a Steza Scene. This is Stefan and Liza’s first meeting. *casually slide over a snippet* *whispers* Also, two of Steza’s songs is Sad Song by We The Kings, and A Thousand Years by Christina Perri.
 Yes. Yes, you may flail and pet their heads at any time. ^-^ *crickets* *casually pets their heads and gives them cookies* *whispers* Also, we haven’t put thought of what rank Liza’s “dad” is so that’s why it says (rank), and also this was going to be a historical retelling which is why German is in parenthesis.
Hannah (Me)- I write Wilhelm. (Will is what everyone calls him. Including me, though for this post, I basically called him Wilhelm throughout it all xP) He’s my angelic, darling precious, and seriously my favorite character I’ve everever written. Basically, he’s in the HY, but he hatttttesss it. He has the same personality type as me (INFP), and I feel really connected to his charrie and...have shed many a tears over Will cause seriously, this book is sososo feelsy.
 In the first scenes\draft, he was one forth Jewish, but we’re still trying to figure out how to keep him a fourth Jewish without him getting killed so…  He’s also besties with Lizzaaaa too. Oh, and did I mention he has really, really bad vision. *beams angelically*

(This snippet is from Book Two, but it’s one of my favorite scenes with Liza and Will so I’m doing it. This was after a failed counseling session with da preciouses, Stefan and Liza, because after the war in the first draft, Liza was a counselor human.)
So yes, this is my post. *coughs and nervously glances around* So...I guess this is goodbye? I hope you guys have a fabulous rest of the week! May you get straight As, write and read fabulous things, and always have much coffee. *beams and goes poof*
  So, yas! I’d love to hear you guys’ thoughts on the snippets and characters. What’s your currect WIP? Do you have any snippets you could share??? I’d love to read them!

Saturday, February 4, 2017

I am Back and I Have Coffee!

  Hello beautiful peeps! Tis I, Hannah da Groundhog. In short, today,  I’m going to try and get back into blogging. I got a burst of inspiration...aka OYAN is staring at me and I’m ignoring the call and doing this…

  Okay, so I owe you all an explanation for my absence. I know I never was a very planned, or organized blogger, but I also haven’t been on my BookTube much. The reason? Number one… School. It killed me. I have taken on some new subjects and a new cicculem, OYAN (One Year Adventure Novel), and overall, I’m doing school really late and don’t really have enough time for some school, and if I would do YouTube...Yeaaaah.
        (WARNING: I’m also writing this while empowered only coffee. So, I just being like…)

                             (Yes. Yes, the picture should be this large. Don't question me.)

 Next thing was, for my YouTube, my sister moved to a different state and is now a school teacher. When she was living at home, I would use her camera to film. But after she moved, I was like, “Okay, this is chill. I gots dis.” And then...Yeah, I was using my mom’s camera until she said she’d rather not have me use it. Then I used my laptop, which...Nein. Didn’t go well. So...until I get a camera of my own, and have more time to actually read, I’m off YouTube. (Also, I am so sorry for not explaining this earlier. For my delayed ness, I have no excuse. *hides and piles cookies around me as a shield*)

 Anyyyyyywaaaays, I didn’t come here just to make excuses for my awful groundhogness. I came because, I am intending to pick up blogging again. Though this time, not just books. Don’t get me wrong, I love having my blog centered on books, and I lurve book blogs as well, but soon after I started blogging, I realized I didn’t want to do just books. There were many small things I wanted to blog about, but I didn’t want to take away from the main focus.I mean, I will still have a lot of bookish and writerly things, but I don’t want that to be just it…*coughs* okay, most likely, it’s a 99.999 percent chance this will be like a ton of writing stuff, but anyho. *cough coughs*

  Also, I’m still not going to assign myself dates to post, cause whenever I do that... I epicly fail. Soooo, hoping for two every month, on every other Saturday, but I am not sure how it’s all going to work out.
  So, yes! Welcome back to my blog, and if all goes as planned, I will have a new post on the eighteenth! Thank you guys so much for reading! Have a fabulous day!

~Hannah M. Rodes

 How has school been for you? (That is, if you are in school) Or what have you been up to? How are you? *gestures to comment box and beams*